Gender inequality statistics in Ukraine

2020 year 209,000 reports to the police about domestic violence.
2021 year 326,000 statements to the police about domestic violence.
2022 year 120,000 reports to the police about domestic violence (due to the war).

Since the beginning of the year, there have been 7,373 reports to the police about domestic violence. 70% of applications are from women. 200 appeals from children
In 2020, 209,000 appeals to the police regarding domestic violence were registered in Ukraine. In 2021, this figure increased to 326 thousand. Based on the increase in the number of appeals, the police noted that they are no longer silent about domestic violence.
However, after the start of the war, the number of reports of domestic violence decreased. Since the beginning of 2022, the National Police of Ukraine has received only 120,000 reports of domestic violence. As for Odessa, in 9 months of this year, the police received 7,373 calls about domestic violence, 70 percent of which were from women. Domestic violence was reported 200 times by children. Appeals were also received from elderly men with disabilities.

As of the first quarter of 2021, women in Ukraine receive an average salary of almost 18% less than men.
The biggest difference in the level of wages of men and women is observed in the following types of activities:
- information and telecommunications - women earn 38.8% less than men;
- financial and insurance activities - on 31, 2%;
- agriculture, forestry and fisheries - on 31.1%;
- transport, warehousing, postal and chicken business activity - by 27.5%.

Employment at the age of 15-70 in 2021:
60.4% of employed men, 51.4% of women.
Didn`t find a job after graduation in 2021:
12.6 thousand people, 90.5% of them are women, 9.5% are men.
But there are things you can`t get used to. On the contrary, it is during war that we must become many times more attentive to the needs of others, even people we do not know, to their desperation, and it is equally important to be attentive to our own problems, we cannot ignore cases of cruelty and abuse, moral or physical pressure, hoping somehow experience them. You can`t close your eyes to what hurts. War is unjustified for domestic evil. Currently, every fifth woman in Ukraine has faced domestic violence.
The wife of the president notes that since the beginning of the war, Ukrainians have become more hardened, more stable and more resilient. People get used to difficulties, limitations and trials.
Compared to last year, the number of calls to the police regarding domestic violence decreased by 24%. The reason is that, firstly, most of the territories are occupied, and there people could not contact the police, and the police could not record such facts. Also, a huge number of Ukrainians became forced migrants and moved abroad
According to the UN, about 2 million people suffer from physical domestic violence in Ukraine. Statistics say that more than 80% are men`s violence against women. Every year, 600 Ukrainian women die from domestic violence
Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights. One in three women or girls experience sexual or physical violence in their lifetime, and 70% of women experience gender-based violence in a humanitarian context. Every fifth girl gets married before the age of 18, a woman and girl lives in a country where marital rape is not an explicit crime and victims often do not seek justice.

Facing violence?
Gender inequality
When compiling the rating, the indicators of each country in the following categories were taken into account:
- economic participation and opportunities;
- implementation in education;
- health and livelihood;
- expansion of rights and opportunities in politics
Sexual harassment, catcalling (street harassment)
Harassment and "Kitty Kitty Kitty" on the street are vivid examples of how the right of women to move freely in the environment is limited. The normalization of harassment and inaction by passers-by and authorities perpetuates this form of discrimination and limits women`s freedom.
Gender stereotypes at school and at work
Stereotypes are when society expects people to act based on their gender. For example, the stereotype is that girls should help with the household and take care of children, dress modestly and not walk the streets late at night.
Stereotypes can often seep into school and the workplace, where girls are less likely to be encouraged to study science and technology disciplines or lead roles because of the "masculine nature" of these occupations. Similarly, stereotypes and gender roles, where a man is the "breadwinner" or "protector" of the family, seem positive. However, in this way men and boys are burdened with such responsibilities that could be more positively shared within the framework of equal partnership.
This attitude also limits the opportunities of girls and women, making them less able to contribute to improving the living conditions of the family.
Objectification and negative representation
Objectification is a situation when a person is treated as a product or object. This often happens in the media where women are sexualized. This results in their appearance being given much more attention than their other abilities. This affects the formation of the image of the ideal body in the minds of girls and women, their self-esteem and, ultimately, how much they value themselves.
However, female representatives are also under-represented in entertainment programs and mass media, they rarely act as experts and heroines of materials. This reinforces destructive gender stereotypes and traditional roles. We need to break down stereotypes and encourage girls to tell their own stories that show their strength, potential and diversity.

You have witnessed domestic violence?
"Glass ceiling" and "sticky floor"
"Glass ceiling" is an invisible barrier that effectively prevents a person from moving up the professional ladder and achieving high positions in business or politics. Such workers are usually women. The opposite of the glass ceiling are the so-called "escalators", which allow you to achieve significant career growth in a short period of time.
The "sticky floor" syndrome is sometimes used alongside the term "glass ceiling", but despite the fact that the concepts are used for similar phenomena (impossibility of promotion at work), they are considered in completely different contexts. "Glass ceiling" is a barrier to achieving prestigious positions.
"Sticky floor"means "sticking" to the position with the lowest level of income and prestige without the possibility of career advancement. This phenomenon mostly affects women in such professions as maids, babysitters, office staff, nurses, teachers, etc.
After graduating from various educational institutions, Ukrainian women have much fewer chances on the labor market than men. Employers do not want to hire young women, fearing that they will soon go on maternity leave. Employers also do not want to hire women of mature age, because, in their opinion, they are unable to meet the demands of employees of a dynamically developing company. Employers usually believe that the family responsibilities of a woman with children negatively affect her work efficiency.

Consult how to act in this situation.
Any form of violence against a person (woman, child or man) should be unacceptable. General civility, tolerance and humanity should become a distinguishing feature of our people.
Overcoming stereotypes, sexism, chauvinism and stigmas that were forcibly integrated during the Soviet era and achieving gender equality will have a significant positive impact on our country. Here are just some of the advantages:
Business development
Research shows that gender diversity improves organizational innovation and productivity. When women are given equal access to education (and, as a result, equal employment opportunities), the businesses they start thrive.
Economic development
When women can participate in the economy on an equal footing with men, the economic situation improves. Eliminating the gender pay gap plays a significant role in this. Studies show that if the countries of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and development) equaled Sweden in terms of female employment, GDP would increase by $6 trillion.
Improving health
Due to barriers such as income inequality and lack of education, access to quality health care is often difficult for women. Research shows that if gender equality is implemented in health care, women will receive better care, which will lead to an improvement in the overall health of society. Accordingly, women with equal access to education and equal income will be able to take better care of their children.
Positive changes in the family
Men are negatively affected by gender inequality. This is especially noticeable when it comes to paid family leave. Because women are considered the primary caregivers, men are often unable to take leave. This also applies to situations when it comes to caring for elderly family members. If both men and women could take family leave without discrimination based on gender, it would strengthen families.
Involvement of women in politics
Most political systems are still male-oriented. If gender equality were realized, the world would see many more women involved in the political process. This includes political leadership and policy direction aimed at health care, the level of education and initiatives for the development of social policy.

Countries leaders in gender equality (a good example of how gender equality affects the overall situation in the country, reports for 2021).
Country | Place in the ranking according to the index of the gender gap-2021 (Global Gender Gap Report) | Place in the ranking according to the Happiness Level Index (World Happiness Report 2021) | Place in the ranking according to the index of sustainable economic welfare 2021 (Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, ISEW) |
Iceland | 1 | 2 | 29 |
Finland | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Norway | 3 | 8 | 7 |
Sweden | 4 | 6 | 2 |
Ireland | 5 | 13 | 13 |
Switzerland | 6 | 4 | 16 |
Germany | 7 | 7 | 4 |
Belgium | 8 | 17 | 5 |
Ukraine | 74 | 69 | 36 |